Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 9

I just finished my 9th straight day of the Shred. I'm really tired. It's almost 11pm. We had some friends over tonight so I had some drinks. I need to study for a big test I have on Friday. I want to sleep.

But I did do it. Exhale.


Ania said...

Good JOB!! That's were I was last Saturday, totally pushed it till last minute.. Then when I tried playing it on my computer the DVD stopped. I did do the first circuit, but still couldn't complete.. Only 1 bad day so far.

I'm not counting that day but since I've been going strong. I tried Level 2 but there are too many plank workouts and it's bad for my arms. I'll have to modify that a bit.

Sunday will be day 11.. I'm super duper sore from the 3MILE run on Friday, (WOO HOO actually ran the 5k.. all of it). Today it all caught up to me and I'm really hoping my legs will want to do the jumping jacks and jump rope, UGH!! I really need some motivation!!!

Are you seeing a difference on the scale? I'm now slowly seeing numbers going down. I'm fitting in some of my old jeans.. I really really really want to put on the 2 piece this summer :) KEEP IT UP!!

Dana said...

Its definitely hard to do it that late after a long day. 10 is often when I do it to, but you feel better when you do!