Thursday, April 30, 2009

Days 17, 18, 19,20, 21, 22, and 23

Bad news...

Days 17 & 18 done, easily and with tons of energy. Then the weekend came. Bad news.

Went out Friday night for a birthday celebration that ended up being way too fun - like, getting-home-at-3am fun. Combine that with being woken up at 7am on Saturday morning by the loves of my life that I wouldn't trade for anything not even a little extra sleep (I swear I'm being sincere) and I was left with absolutely no motivation or energy to Shred. Enter Saturday night and another get-together at Dana's that brought us home way too late. Still not recovered from Friday, I was pretty much dead to the world. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I decided to take on a pretty big re-decorating project on Sunday too, you know, with all that extra energy.

So no Shredding alllllll weekend. I'm ashamed. I thought I'd hit my second wind but truth be told, I'M BORED!!!!!!!!! I know, I'm a loser. It's only 30 days - the same amount of days that flies by when I'm not working out. The same amount of days that flies by when I'm suckin' up that pizza and ice cream.

Days 21 through 23 have been done though - barely. So I don't know if anyone's reading this or anything but I NEED MOTIVATION! Even if you can't give it to me do ya think you can tell me where I can find it????


Anonymous said...

I know where you can find it - Your Jillian Card!!! You can do it finish STRONG!!!
Love U K

Ange said...

Hey Massiel--

Found your blog a while back and it makes me laugh! LOL! Take a break now and then---it won't hurt! Plus your body won't be used to having to workout every darn day so when you miss a few it won't want to slide back! :-} ROLLERBLADE! It's sooo much more fun and you can do it at night around the neighborhood after the girls go to bed! Or get a 3ft trampoline and run on it---sounds easy but I run 5 miles a day and well, 45 min on that STILL can be tough (and boring)! GOOD LUCK and don't be too hard on yourself! You made it this far right?


Dana said...

i wonder what happened to days 24+?