Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Year of Possibilities

As cliche as it may sound, New Year's really does bring with it a sense of new, a fresh start, a clean slate. Like most, I have thought of my share of resolutions. And like most, I'll probably break nearly all of them by month's end. So I've decided to make a list of hopes - a list of the possibilities I see in this new year.

I hope for superficial things like more cushion in the bank, a smaller waistline, and a beautiful deck for our backyard.

I hope to be a more patient mother to my girls and to take in the precious time God's granted me to be their mom.

I hope to be a more understanding wife to my hubby and for us both to grow as individuals and as a couple.

I hope to deepen relationships with my family and become a better sister, daughter, aunt, niece...

I hope to be a better friend and grow closer to all of my "shoes", both new and old.**

I hope to live a "greener" life, for the sake of our kids (and theirs, and theirs, and theirs).

I hope to never let "moments" pass us by.

I hope for all things good and true for us and all those we love so much!

Here's to a year of possibilities! Cheers!

**when I think of it I'll have to document my "friends=shoes" theory.

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